Routine Revamp Pt. 1

How are you, really? (this is where I tell you to take a minute and really ask yourself that question and then really listen to the answer…)

As fall is fully underway and the holidaze is not yet upon us- I wanted to check in with you. The below is a long one but it’s some really good food for the soul for this time in the season…

In this moment we are in that lovely in between space- school has started but the holidaze has yet to begin.

There is a breath.

And in this breath is an opportunity. An opportunity to actually enjoy the holidays this year. To not over commit, not ignore our health, not ignore our needs, not under prepare and leave ourselves in a total panic. But instead to enjoy, to be present, to be balanced, to be grateful fully and completely for all that we are blessed to have. With all that is happening in our world right now, I know that I want to do all that I cant to hold my children closely and fully and own the blessing that I put them to sleep at night not worried for their safety.

Now is the time to calmly and mindfully set ourselves up for a different result. Aka this is a perfect time to practice yoga!

The practice of yoga and the sister science of Ayurveda are really, ultimately, the science of joy. What does that mean? It means we can look at something, anything, from the physical body to life events to our surroundings, our health, our feelings, anything that is not bringing us peace, and create an educated hypothesis as to why that might be with educated guidance from trusted sources, deep introspection and self study (remember that one from last month). Then we can set up a plan to do something different, we try that new thing, collect the data and see if it worked! If it did we keep it and that becomes our new norm. If it doesn’t we pivot and try something else. All the while we are reverse engineering our own perfectly personalized recipe to reveal the peace and joy we remember as who we truly are and that we all crave so deeply.

So HOW do we do this? It all starts with routine. First, that we have one. That grounds us and keeps us tethered as we prepare to enter a season that is all over the place. But secondly, and most importantly we make sure that what is in the routine is what is best for us aka we put our Selves on the list! This is where most people go wrong- they fill their routines with things they have to do and things they really don’t like to do and then wonder why they’re not joyful!

Let’s change that!

Routine Round Up Reply HERE

For this series deep dive I’ll be helping you excavate your routine, set up new practices that actually suit you and share how to take that with you into the holiday and the new year! For today click the word “HERE” above and just share with me ONE thing that feels like the biggest challenge to putting yourself on the list or one thing you wish you could add to your routine but you just don’t know how. (To the voice telling you not to reply cuz “it’s just silly” or “it’'ll never work” or whatever that voice is saying- reply with- “If I won’t give myself 10 seconds to reply to this message, how can I expect to create the space for the change I REALLY want and deserve in my life”)

With great respect and love,


Routine Revamp Pt. 2


The Big Three Pt. 3